Vulkan-Sample-Note-Descriptor-Sets - CYF Blog


Vulkan Sample Note: Descriptor sets

The sample is from Sascha Williems


  • Demonstration of binding descriptor sets, 1 uniform buffer and 1 image smapler


Descriptor Set Layout

The layout describes the shader bindings and types used for a certain descriptor layout and as such must match the shader bindings

Descriptor pool

Actual descriptors are allocated from a descriptor pool telling the driver what types and how many descriptors this application will use

Why there is a maxSets during descriptor pool creation?

Individual descriptors take up some form of resource, whether CPU, GPU, or both. But bundling them into descriptor sets can also takes up resources, depending on the implementation. As such, if an implementation can pre-allocate some number of set resources, that would be good for minimizing runtime allocations. source

In this example, we limit our maxSet to 2, and each set will have 1 uniform buffer and 1 image sampler. Also, in uniform buffer pool the descriptorCount will be 2, and image sampler as well.